This is not about the South or Food or USC athletics. This is personal.
Something happened to me one night about this time last year. I am not sure why it happened or what I am supposed to do with it, but I have felt lead today to share it. It came out of nowhere and actually happened again one other time last year (in an abbreviated version).
I told my wife, Rachel, about it the next day. I thought I needed to record the experience, so two weeks later I wrote it down. Amazingly, Rachel said it was verbatim to what I told her earlier. That was unusual since I rarely remember things verbatim the next day, much less two weeks later.
Before you read any further, understand that this is about my father, Jesus, and God. If a story involving Jesus and God offend you, then this will offend you.
For those who read this, I hope it is a positive experience for you.
May 11, 2010
The Relationship
On April 26, 2010 I went to sleep at my normal time. About 1:30 in the morning I woke up and immediately was wide awake. I had my eyes open and was turned towards my wife, Rachel, who was sleeping soundly.
Then, I had a vision. I know it was a vision and not a dream. My eyes were open and I was aware of my surroundings. I reached over to touch Rachel just to be sure. What I saw was as real as anything I have ever been a part of.
In my vision, I was in the pulpit at the Boyce Chapel of First Baptist Church in Columbia , South Carolina . I was giving my father’s eulogy at his funeral. My father had died in February 2005. I had written “A Son’s Perspective” for his funeral and it was read to the funeral attendees by Steve Phillips, my father’s good friend and Minister of Music at First Baptist. I could not have given a eulogy at his funeral or even read what I had written without being overcome with emotion.
However, in my vision that night, I was giving his eulogy very easily. I saw all of the people who were at my father’s funeral in 2005. The first floor of the chapel was full and the balcony was almost full. I saw my family on the first few rows on the left side (from my view) of the chapel. I saw my father’s almost garnet colored casket in front of me.
I spoke about his love for the church, his family, friends, and his patients in his medical practice. I told of his stroke earlier in the week and his time in the Baptist Hospital across the street from the First Baptist Church . I spoke about the family being with him when he took his last breath here on Earth. And something highly unusual for me, I recited the words to “I Can Only Imagine” by Mercy Me. I have a tough time remembering words to songs if they aren’t playing on my radio. But this day, I recited all of them. Telling about what will we do in the presence of JESUS. Will we dance in his presence or on our knees will we fall? Will we sing hallelujah or will we be able to speak at all?
Then my vision changed. I was now watching from the back as JESUS was standing by my father in front of the throne of GOD. It was like they were in a big room. There was no bright light. There was just a glow outlining JESUS and my father. It seemed that there was a tall curtain or drape behind the throne. It was dark, probably black. JESUS and my father had on white robes. They were barefooted. GOD was on his throne. He is really big. All I could see of him was from his bended knees to the bottom of his throne. From his knees to his feet was almost the same height as JESUS and my father. He had on huge sandals. Then GOD spoke.
When GOD speaks, it is with a loud, booming deep voice. Not menacing or threatening, just authoritative and conversational. GOD asked my father, “Billy Gause, why should I let you enter MY Heaven?” My father fell to his knees and then went face forward, flat on the ground. My father was weeping. What else do you do in GOD’S presence and he asks you that question? My father knew he did not deserve to be in Heaven. He was not worthy.
Then JESUS looked down on my father. JESUS put his hand around my father’s left bicep and helped him to his knees, then to his feet. My father was still weeping. JESUS put his arm around my father’s shoulder and said “I’ve got this one for you”. My father was about 5’9” tall. JESUS seemed to be about 5’11”. He had no trouble putting his arm around my father’s shoulder.
JESUS said to GOD, “FATHER, Billy Gause is a friend of mine. Years ago he asked me into his heart to be his LORD and SAVIOUR. I gave him the HOLY SPIRIT, and he lived his life the way we wanted him to live. I have been the LORD of his life. Remember when YOU sent ME to Earth to teach the people how to live and love? Billy got it. He did his best to live that way every day. Billy and I talk every day. He loves YOU and he loves ME. I love him. We have a relationship. He asked me to forgive his sins and I have taken all of his sins upon myself. Billy is pure. He is clean and he is righteous.”
With that, GOD said to my father “Billy Gause you are pure, clean, and righteous. You are welcome in MY Heaven!”
GOD took his left hand and drew back the curtain. The curtain reached from the ground to the sky. It was not like my father walked through a door. When GOD drew back the curtain, all of Heaven was there. The colors were amazing, not like we are accustomed to. Not even describable. The sky was a perfect blue with no clouds. Abundant light. It was like there was a field, with a stream and hills. Beautiful trees like weeping willows. Animals all around. People in flowing robes. My father was met by his father and mother, his aunts, and other family and friends who had passed on before him. To my surprise, he did not spend a lot of time with them. He continued to walk and he came upon Abraham, Moses, Jacob, and David. They knew my father’s name and they hugged. My father had a big grin on his face.
Then my vision changed. I was back in the pulpit at my father’s funeral. I realized I had been narrating all that I had witnessed with JESUS and GOD. Then I knew that this vision was not about my father. While it is comforting to know that my father is in Heaven, the real message is about our relationship with JESUS. Until his death, my father had taught Sunday School for over 20 years. He had started and maintained a Friday morning Bible study at the Baptist Hospital for over 20 years. He sang in the choir for over 20 years. He was a deacon. He gladly gave his Tithe. Not once did JESUS mention any of this during his testimony for my father before GOD. He only spoke about their relationship.
As I was finishing my father’s eulogy, I could tell by the faces at the funeral that the mood had changed. They had substituted themselves in my father’s place. I said “One day all of us will be standing next to JESUS in the presence of GOD. GOD gives us grace and mercy. HE allows us to make our own decision about our eternal life. We determine whether we live eternally with GOD and JESUS or live eternally suffering in the depths of Hell. Without the relationship with JESUS, when GOD asks why should I let you in MY Heaven, JESUS will say “Get away from me, I never knew you.””
People were standing up. They began streaming down the aisle to the front of the chapel. It was no longer a funeral for my father. It was a day of acceptance and understanding that JESUS wants a relationship with us.
With that, my vision ended.
This vision made me want to strengthen my relationship with JESUS CHRIST. I want to know him better. He already knows all about me. If you don’t know the next step, it is really pretty simple. But, you have to know in your heart that you want a relationship with HIM. JESUS knows your heart. If you know something is missing in your life. If you know that you have a “hole” that can’t be filled with what you have been trying to fill it with. JESUS CHRIST will fill that hole.
You can say a very simple prayer like this: “JESUS, I am a sinner. I am broken. My life is not what I want it to be. I am missing something. I believe you are what I am missing. I believe your FATHER sent you to me to wash away my sins. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and were raised from the dead and YOU are seated at the right hand of God. Please be my SAVIOUR. I repent of my sins. I ask you to LORD over my life. I want a relationship with you. I want all of YOU and I want to give YOU all of me. Thank YOU. In JESUS’ name amen.
Now don’t look back. You are a new person in CHRIST. He sees you as righteous. Get to know him. He will change your life!